Sarah Alsamman

Sarah Alsamman

Enterprise AI

7 stories

Sarah Alsamman

Sarah Alsamman


9 stories

Sarah Alsamman

Sarah Alsamman

Multimodal RAG

2 stories

Sarah Alsamman

Sarah Alsamman


No stories

Sarah Alsamman

Sarah Alsamman


13 stories

Retrieval augmented generation (RAG) workflow from user query through retrieval with a vector database to prompt stuffing and finally generating a response.
Sarah Alsamman

Sarah Alsamman

data science

7 stories

Sarah Alsamman

Sarah Alsamman

LLM applications

13 stories

Sarah Alsamman

Sarah Alsamman

Artificial Intelligence

6 stories

Two stochastic parrots sitting on a chain of large language models: LangChain
Sarah Alsamman

Sarah Alsamman

Comp Sci

2 stories